How to Make Dental Hygiene More Fun for Your Little One

Dentist Blog

If your child has at least one tooth exposed, they should be brushing twice a day to keep their teeth clean, healthy, and white between dental checkups. Establishing a regimen of brushing twice a day now will help instill positive dental habits that they're likely to maintain throughout adulthood and will minimize the chance that they'll develop gum disease as they age. However, if your little one is like most kids, they probably aren't very excited about taking the time to brush their teeth regularly.

26 July 2016

Got Sleep Apnea? 5 Ways You Can Get Some Sleep

Dentist Blog

One in 5 adults has a form of obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common disorder that causes you to have pauses in your breathing while you are sleeping. These breathing pauses may last anywhere from a few seconds to approximately a minute, and they can happen several times per hour. A result of this, people with sleep apnea experience sleepiness during the day. If you have this problem, there are many things you can do to help yourself sleep better, three of which are listed below.

7 July 2016

Tongue-Tie: What Parents Need To Know

Dentist Blog

A condition known as "tongue-tie" or ankyloglossia is a common problem found in many infants and young children. Often overlooked, this problem can have severe impacts on children's ability to do everything from nursing, eating ice cream, or speaking. For parents, understanding and recognizing this condition is important to ensuring that your child does not have to suffer and can get the help they need to alleviate the problem. Causes

22 June 2016

2 Tips To Help Extend The Life Expectancy Of Your Mini Implants

Dentist Blog

Mini implants are often installed in individuals who only require a few restorations. Mini implants are a smaller version of your standard dental implant. They are still composed of the same material as a full-size implant. In addition, with proper maintenance and care, these mini implants can last for many years. However, because of their size, mini implants cannot withstand the same amount of force that full-size implants can. This often results in damage to the implant.

1 June 2016

Looking At How Dental Implants Can Help Children With Hypodontia

Dentist Blog

Hypodontia is a condition that causes no permanent teeth to form. In some children, a few teeth are missing while in some others all the teeth never come in. For a child, a great number of teeth missing can cause serious problems with eating, talking and with self-esteem. Learn more how children with hypodontia can benefit from dental implants. Hypodontia's Relationship To Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a disorder that encompasses about 150 issues that impact the normal development of hair, skin, nail and teeth.

13 May 2016

How Does A Dental Implant Promote Jaw Health?

Dentist Blog

When you lose a tooth, your most immediate concern will likely be what effect the tooth will have on the way you look. While this is a weighty concern, you also need to consider how losing a tooth will effect your jaw health. Some tooth replacement strategies will preserve your looks but will not have a positive effect on your jaw health. A dental implant will promote jaw health and preserve good looks.

26 April 2016

3 Natural Ways To Whiten Teeth

Dentist Blog

It can be difficult to feel confident if the teeth in your mouth are discolored. Dental discoloration can result from eating foods that contain deep-colored pigments. However, it can also stem from drinking dark beverages, such as coffee or tea, or even from tobacco usage. Once dental staining is in place, it can be difficult to remove using regular oral hygiene techniques, such as brushing with standard, fluoride toothpaste. Still, teeth whitening does not have to be costly or uncomfortable.

14 March 2016

2 Ways Dental Implants Are Used To Restore Multiple Teeth

Dentist Blog

When a single tooth is lost, a dental implant can be used to replace it. However, there are instances in which dental implants are used to assist in the restoration of multiple teeth. Here are a few dental applications that can be coupled with dental implants to restore multiple teeth in a patient's mouth: Dental Bridges Dental bridges are made of false teeth and dental crowns that are connected to a bridge base.

14 March 2016

3 Dental Issues Associated With Wisdom Teeth

Dentist Blog

If you still have your wisdom teeth and are thinking of keeping them indefinitely, it may be wise to reconsider. Wisdom teeth are associated with multiple dental problems. Here are a couple of them: Dental Infections Wisdom teeth, especially those that have not already fully erupted, are associated with a condition called pericoronitis. This condition involves the infection and inflammation of the gums around a wisdom tooth. When a wisdom tooth has not fully presented, a portion of the tooth may still be covered by the gums.

2 March 2016

3 DIY Teeth Cleaning Tricks To Skip Between Professional Dental Cleanings

Dentist Blog

There  is nothing quite like that smooth clean and refreshed feeling that your teeth have after you have your teeth cleaned at the dentist. Chances are you will be working hard to maintain that brightness after your dental cleaning so you can feel just as confident with your smile in a few months as you do right after your visit. While there are all kinds of ways that people claim will work to keep your teeth whiter and brighter, there are a few DIY dental cleaning methods that should just be left alone.

19 February 2016